Become an integration partner

Integrate with ezyVet and share your solution with Veterinary Practices around the world.

Connect ezy Vet to the rest of your practice

Why partner with ezyVet?

We’re committed to providing our customers with the best tools to manage their business, and if you’re here, that probably means you are too. Together, we can continue to drive innovative solutions and provide the veterinary industry with tools that improve their day-to-day workflows. By partnering with ezyVet, you’ll also grow your business faster - our team will help you get your brand in front of ezyVet’s customer base, all over the world.

Our Partners love working with us


“ezyVet is the first practice management system we've encountered offering a quality API, allowing third party tools to interact with veterinary practice data. The API is well documented and the development team has also been very proactive in assisting with the integration with our product.”

  • Paolo Lencioni
  • DVM & Senior Accountant at APL Accountants


“Every decision we make is centered around how our partnership can better serve the veterinary community. Together, we provide a completely contactless, tech-forward and customer-centric solution thanks to sophisticated APIs and highly-rated support teams at both organizations.”

  • Casey Russell
  • Sales Manager

ezyVet Standard Integrations

We have created pre-defined sets of specifications to help our partners build Diagnostic, Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), and Product Supplier integrations with ezyVet.

Standard Diagnostic Integration (SDI) | Standard Product Supplier Integration (SPSI) | Standard PACS integration (SPI)

General API Integration

Build a custom solution specifically for your business with our APIs - we’ll work with you to help you get the endpoints needed to connect your tools and workflows.

Welcome to ezyVet's API Partner Application Form!

Please enter your details so that we can get in touch with you about your application.


Company Details
Contact Details
Company Address
Please provide an overview of your company and products/services including a description of the features and functionality of your product(s), and customer value proposition.
Application Details
e.g. What are you seeking to build with the API? How would the integration work between ezyVet and your solution? What value would the integration provide for our mutual customers? Provide specific data and functionality requirements for this integration to work. For example, you may need access to list of all clients, and ability to create appointments.
Please include specific API endpoints as well as details around how they will be used (i.e. read, write).  You can find what endpoints are available here at our API Documentation page*
e.g. How will having an integration benefit your business? How would the integration work between ezyVet and your solution? What value would the integration provide for our mutual customers?
To qualify, this should only include customers of your products / services who already uses your products and also ezyVet in a non-integrated method.
Indicate the name and address of the clinics above. If known, providing their website or ezyVet URLs would be preferred. Note that this information will be used solely for evaluation purposes. If we grant you access to the API, you will still need to engage with the clinic(s) to obtain approval to access their data.
Indicate who referred you to the ezyVet API.