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Build a custom integration

Create your own! Connect your ezyVet data with the tools you already use today, using ezyVet’s API.

Powerful reporting & KPIs

Use ezyVet’s API for customized reporting into a data warehouse or set up your own customized KPI reporting.

Connect to your own tools

Connect your ezyVet data to your own tools - you choose what parts of your data these tools can read and write to. You may have your own app and want to not only read data from ezyVet but also publish data back to it.

See how other practices are using ezyVet’s API

“With our previous software, there were always key features missing. When we went to evaluate ezyVet, we determined quickly that many of the things that we were having to build ourselves are built into ezyVet. We were able to utilize those features and peel ours away from the system. From the time we got started, we were provided API documents that were very clear and explained the technical aspects of the software and how to use it. Through the API documents, we realized the full potential of ezyVet and were able to accomplish the things we needed to make the software perform. We effectively adapted ezyVet to fit our unique business needs.”

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Our Partners love working with us


“Every decision we make is centered around how our partnership can better serve the veterinary community. Together, we provide a completely contactless, tech-forward and customer-centric solution thanks to sophisticated APIs and highly-rated support teams at both organizations.”

  • Casey Russell
  • Sales Manager


“ezyVet is the first practice management system we've encountered offering a quality API, allowing third party tools to interact with veterinary practice data. The API is well documented and the development team has also been very proactive in assisting with the integration with our product.”

  • Paolo Lencioni
  • DVM & Senior Accountant at APL Accountants


  • What is the difference between a Private API vs Public API?

  • Who is eligible / when can I use a Private API?

  • What can I use a Private API for?

  • What is the approval process for Private API Partners? What needs to be approved? What are the Rules?

  • Can I read AND write via a Private API?

  • What is the process of adding an existing private API to my other/new sites?

  • What if I need more than one Private API Partner access?

Connect your ezyVet data with the tools you already use today, using ezyVet's API

Please enter your details so that we can get in touch with you about your application.


Contact Details 
Company Details
Company Address
Application Details
e.g. What are you seeking to build with the API? How would the integration work between ezyVet and your solution? Provide specific data and functionality requirements for this integration to work. For example, you may need access to list of all clients, and ability to create appointments.
Please include specific API endpoints as well as details around how they will be used (i.e. read, write).  You can find what endpoints are available here at our API Documentation page*
Indicate who referred you to the ezyVet API.

By submitting an ezyVet Customer Private API integration

  • I understand a one-time setup fee applies for every new API Integration / Integration Name*
  • I understand a monthly per-hospital access fee applies if write-back access is requested (no monthly fees for read-only access)*
  • I understand access to ezyVet’s APIs assumes the party building an integration has a reasonable understanding of the use of ezyVet and development expertise. Any API Development & ezyVet workflow Consultation is subject to hourly charges.*
  • I acknowledge that the API access provided will not be provided to any 3rd parties unless the named parties are disclosed to and approved by ezyVet.

*Fees dependent on billing currency and will be provided to you by our team in the Private API Agreement