Communicating via SMS with your clients is one of the most effective ways to ensure your messages get to where they need to go. Sending veterinary text message reminders can help you reduce appointment no-shows, recover overdue invoices, and increase customer loyalty.
Communicate with pet parents about upcoming appointments, vaccinations, overdue payments and more. Below are some free SMS templates that you could be sending and the reasons they will benefit your practice. The templates below include the variables needed to personalize your texts.
What are variable driven templates?
The variables within these templates are created to pull through all the relevant information to automatically when an SMS message is sent which lets you to use the same template over and over again. For example, {AnimalName} will pull through the animal's name that you have in your database or {AnimalNextAppointmentDate} will pull through the date the appointment has been booked in your system. Please note that the variables in the templates below are applicable to those using ezyVet, so you may need to adjust depending on the system you are using.
Simply copy and paste the templates below into your communication tasks.

Appointment Reminder SMS
Appointment reminder SMS messages are sent to your clients to remind them about an upcoming appointment. Automate your reminders within ezyVet so you have one less thing to tick off your to do list.
Recommended settings: Best configured to be sent 1 or 2 days before the appointment to keep the message fresh in the client's mind.
Benefits: Reduces appointment no-shows, saves time, increases revenue, and gives the opportunity for clients to cancel so you can fill that appointment space with someone else.

Copy and paste variable template:
Reply C to confirm {AnimalName}'s appt on {AnimalNextAppointmentDate} at {AnimalNextAppointmentTime}. To reschedule please call us at {DepartmentPhone}. {DepartmentName}
Appointment Confirmation SMS
Appointment confirmation SMS messages are sent to your clients once they have booked an appointment with you.
Recommended settings: These SMS messages should be configured to be sent the same day the appointment was made.
Benefits: It lets the client know the appointment is confirmed, saves time, and provides great customer service.

Copy and paste variable template:
Hello {ClientContactFirst}. {AnimalName}'s appointment has been booked {AppointmentResources} at {DepartmentName} on {AppointmentDate} at {AppointmentStartTime}.
Vaccine Reminders SMS
Vaccination reminder SMS messages are sent to your clients when their pets next vaccine is due.
Recommended settings: You can configure this as part of the automated tasks in ezyVet based on a billing trigger with a specific timeframe of when the next vaccine is due.
Benefits: Improves patient care, lets the client know when their pets next vaccine is due, which will likely get them to book an appointment with your clinic and in return increase revenue.

Copy and paste variable template:
Hi there a reminder from {DepartmentName} that {AnimalName} is due for {AnimalPossessivePronounSingle} vaccination(s). Please call us at {DepartmentPhone} for more information.
Overdue Payments SMS
Overdue payment SMS messages are sent out as reminders to late payers. This can be sent when a deadline on the invoice has been missed.
Recommended settings: You can send these messages to go out 1 or 2 days after the payment deadline has been missed.
Benefits: Helps collect payment debts, saves time, and reduces the length of time your practice needs to wait to receive payments.

Copy and paste variable template:
This is a reminder that you have a balance of {ContactBalance} overdue at {DepartmentName}. Please contact us on {DepartmentPhone} to finalise payment.
Post Op Check Up SMS
Post op checkup or post treatment SMS messages are sent after a patient has had a treatment or operation and checked out, to see how they are doing.
Recommended settings: These should be configured to be automatically sent the day after to the pet's parent to ensure that the patient is doing ok.
Benefits: Keeps you informed on how the patient is doing and if they need additional care, and it provides great customer service.

Copy and paste variable template:
Hello {ClientContactFirst}. How is {AnimalName} doing, after yesterday's procedure? {DepartmentName}.
Personalized Birthday SMS
Personalized birthday SMS messages are sent to help create a better connection and relationship with your clients. Sending a birthday message on their pet's birthday is a fantastic way to improve loyalty.
Recommended settings: You can set this up as an automated task, however it is important you have the pets' correct date of birth within your system.
Benefits: Improves customers engagement and loyalty, and boosts customer retention.

Copy and paste variable template:
Happy Birthday {AnimalName}! We hope you have a paw-some day. {DepartmentName}.
Disease Outbreak SMS
Disease outbreak SMS messages can be sent to clients when a risk prone disease is affecting animals in their area.
Recommended settings: We do not suggest you send these to everyone in your database but instead search for all clients you have in your system based on post code. Anyone who could be affected within that region should be contacted.
Benefits: Helps ensure animal care, increases client engagement and loyalty.

Copy and paste variable template:
PSA. There is currently an outbreak of {Insert Disease} in your area that could put your animal at risk. Please ensure to take caution. {DepartmentName}.
Learn more about sending SMS
Effective communication with your clients is an essential part to any good relationship and sending SMS is the key ingredient. Read about the 5 reasons why every practice should be using veterinary text messaging in 2022. Many ezyVet clients have seen great benefits of sending SMS into their communication strategy. Check out our case study on how ezyVet SMS has increased revenue for Greater Springfield Veterinary.
Check out our latest Tips & Tricks video to see how ezyVet's automated SMS reminders can help your practice.